Founder of Investec Real Estate Companies

Monthly Archives: October 2018

Archive of posts published in the specified Month


New Museum Project Promises Preservation Of Historical Character And New Upgrades – Kenny Slaught

The campaign recommended by Kenny Slaught works towards the protection of the old-fashioned character of physical building while also providing for pioneering upgrades. Moreover, through reinforcements like seismic upgrades, both the building and the tens of thousands of pieces of art inside will…


Kenny Slaught – Notes Benefits Seen Daily From California JOBS Act

After only a few years in the market, crowdfunding has rapidly grown over 150 startups nationwide, specializing in real estate. Today, approximately 7% of the U.S population is an accredited investor. In a dense setting like Southern California, this number is 20%. Software…


Kenny Slaught On Effective Counselling Services At Hospice Of Santa Barbara

Many families turn to the hospice for their counseling and support services, notes Kenny Slaught. The hospice delivers individual, group, and family counseling regularly and free of charge. These counseling services deal with a variety of death-related issues while stressing the many aspects…


Kenny Slaught Discusses Hoover Dam’s Role In America’s Hydroelectric Market

Situated adjoining the states of Arizona and Nevada, in the United States, Hoover Dam is an articulate project designed to give water and hydroelectric energy to the population of that region, taking advantage of the immense power produced by the Colorado River. California-based…