Founder of Investec Real Estate Companies

Monthly Archives: September 2018

Archive of posts published in the specified Month


Kenny Slaught Discusses Option For Children To Process Grief

When children suffer the loss of a parent, they often feel that their lives cannot again be the same. They may feel lost and abandoned. Kenny Slaught notes that, “The I Have a Friend mentor program allows these young people to share their…


Kenny Slaught – Studying Network Support Is Valuable

Santa Barbara City College has developed an unparalleled reputation when it comes to training professionals who work in the space of network support. According to Kenny Slaught, “your valued time will be astutely invested studying this promising and beneficial program.” Network engineers work…


Kenny Slaught – On Santa Barbara’s Historical Architecture

Kenny Slaught is aware that some of the most famous Santa Barbara architecture features include the centuries-old Hotel Virginia, El Pueblo Viejo district in historical downtown quarters along with the two pink towers of the Old Mission, hosting today retreats and festivals. The…


Kenny Slaught Blogs For Hospice Of Santa Barbara’s Anticipatory Grief Services Program

Kenny Slaught, a long-time backer of community initiatives, Santa Barbara-based real estate investor, and leading force in the property sector, has fully embraced Hospice of Santa Barbara’s numerous ways to help people experiencing hardship in life experience joy and meaningfulness through empathy and…