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Monthly Archives: October 2017

Archive of posts published in the specified Month


Kenny Slaught On Effective Counselling Services At Hospice Of Santa Barbara

Many families turn to the hospice for their counseling and support services, notes Kenny Slaught. The hospice delivers individual, group, and family counseling regularly and free of charge. These counseling services deal with a variety of death-related issues while stressing the many aspects…


Kenny Slaught Discusses Importance Of Santa Barbara Architecture

Santa Barbara allows students to recognize how the architecture of that time was conceived. The design of buildings, and the details depicting the relation each building had with the time is also helpful when studying the Hispanic architecture. A roof, for instance, has…


Kenny Slaught Celebrates Unique History Of Santa Barbara

The Spanish Colonial Revival architecture was the United States architectural movement developed in the early 20th century. The movement took the Spanish Colonial architecture for designing some cities that were first Spanish colonies and then they became American cities. A major portion of…


Kenny Slaught – Ambassador Of Santa Barbara’s Historical Architecture

Kenny Slaught is proud of the most famous Santa Barbara architecture features include the centuries-old Hotel Virginia, El Pueblo Viejo district in historical downtown quarters along with the two pink towers of the Old Mission, hosting today retreats and events. The flashy tiles…